Tiia Brackett

Enduro & Downhill

Age: 16

Hometown: Nelson

Mentor match: Deb MacKillop

My name is Tiia Brackett and I’m 15 years old. Growing up in Nelson, BC, I’ve been surrounded by the mountain biking community my whole life. Since I could stand over a run bike, I’ve been hooked. I enjoy being out in the mountains and exploring new places, especially on my bike. But that’s not all, along with biking, I also ski, play soccer, and compete in figure skating. (I like to have some variety!)

My goal in the Ride Like A Girl program is to improve my biking skills and make connections within my community. I’m so stoked on this opportunity and I’m keen to use it to the best of my ability. I can’t wait to ride with some rad women and get other girls to join me too!