Kirra Whitehead

Enduro, Cross-country & Cyclocross

Age: 16

Hometown: Coquitlam

Mentor match: Karaleen Gioia

Hi there! My name is Kirra Whitehead. I am fifteen years old and am a rider from the Tri-Cities. This will be my second year riding with Ride Like A Girl and I am beyond excited to be back. This year, I will be racing both enduro and cross country races. I started racing in 2022, and had a blast, and am so excited to continue onto a second year of racing. I started riding my bike when I was quite young, and started developing a passion for the sport with every new year, which eventually lead me to racing. When I am off my bike, I love staying adventurous. I both ski, snowboard, and dance. Otherwise I enjoy hobbies such as art and design. When riding, I love techy and steep jank, but also love the flow trails. Some of my riding goals for 2023 are to explore more of the race community, improve my technical skills, and hit all the big features possible. I look forward to being with Ride Like A Girl!